Test Kitchen
Terraform + Kitchen + InSpec
October 17, 2019
Terraform + Kitchen + InSpec
Explore the integration of Terraform, Kitchen, and InSpec for efficient testing of Terraform deployments for a smoother development workflow.
Azure’s Managed Identity in Test Kitchen
April 12, 2019
Azure’s Managed Identity in Test Kitchen
Explore how Azure’s Managed Identity enhances security in Test Kitchen by replacing client secrets with identities to your kitchen nodes for easier testing.
Cookbook Development with Rakefiles
May 11, 2017
Cookbook Development with Rakefiles
Explore the process of cookbook development with Rakefiles. Learn how to standardize cookbook quality, implement automated testing, and release cookbooks efficiently. Ideal for Ruby developers.
Finding Habitat
June 15, 2016
Finding Habitat
Explore the world of Habitat, a disruptive technology that revolutionizes configuration management. Learn about its integration with Chef’s ecosystem and how it can streamline your workflow.
Chef Cookbook Builds in TeamCity
April 15, 2016
Chef Cookbook Builds in TeamCity
Explore how to standardize your Chef Cookbook builds in TeamCity. Learn how to set up project structure, version control settings, build steps, and more. Ensure quality gates for your infrastructure creation.
Tutorial for Test Kitchen with Azure
March 4, 2016
Tutorial for Test Kitchen with Azure
Learn how to run Test Kitchen with Azure in this step-by-step tutorial. Discover the benefits of using Azure, how to set up, and the commands to use. Ideal for those seeking a hassle-free testing environment.
Test Kitchen: Required, not Optional
February 26, 2016
Test Kitchen: Required, not Optional
Explore the importance of Test Kitchen in Chef workflow. Learn how it’s not just for testing, but an essential part of coding with Chef. Don’t miss out on this essential tool for your infrastructure.