Configuration Management
VM from Custom Image with Terraform and Azure
June 21, 2017
VM from Custom Image with Terraform and Azure
Learn how to create virtual machines from custom images using Terraform and Azure with this step-by-step guide.
Cookbook Pipeline with Jenkinsfile
May 12, 2017
Cookbook Pipeline with Jenkinsfile
Discover how to create a cookbook pipeline using Jenkinsfile for your CI environment. This blog post provides a detailed guide on setting up Jenkins as your tool of choice for managing deployment pipelines.
Why Habitat?
March 27, 2017
Why Habitat?
Explore the journey of a software engineer discovering the benefits of Habitat for application deployment. Learn about the pros and cons of various application automation approaches, and why Habitat stands out as a game-changer in the field.
Policyfiles Update
March 23, 2017
Policyfiles Update
Discover the latest updates on Policyfiles and its integration with Chef Automate. Learn about the future of automation and how Policyfiles can enhance your operations.
A Chef Custom Resource
February 10, 2017
A Chef Custom Resource
Explore the process of creating a Chef custom resource for your certification exam preparation. This blog post provides a detailed walkthrough of the process, helping you understand and implement custom resources effectively.
How I’m Learning Docker
January 12, 2017
How I’m Learning Docker
Explore my journey of learning Docker as a part of my DevOps training. I share my experiences with inverted and relative learning styles, and how they helped me understand complex concepts like virtualization and isolation.
7 Options for Implementing Policyfile Attributes in Any Environment
November 14, 2016
7 Options for Implementing Policyfile Attributes in Any Environment
Seven ways to move away from Chef node, environment, or role attributes to Chef policyfile attributes. This can be the hardest part of migrating to Policyfiles.
Chef with Windows
October 24, 2016
Chef with Windows
Explore the challenges and benefits of using Chef in a Windows environment. Learn from our experience at NCR and discover how to make a compelling business case for change.
Finding Habitat
June 15, 2016
Finding Habitat
Explore the world of Habitat, a disruptive technology that revolutionizes configuration management. Learn about its integration with Chef’s ecosystem and how it can streamline your workflow.
Orchestration Maturity Model with Chef
April 22, 2016
Orchestration Maturity Model with Chef
Explore the orchestration maturity model with Chef, a configuration management tool. Understand the three phases of orchestration, from modeling existing processes to managing state declaratively, and finally, decoupling nodes for scalability.
Chef Cookbook Builds in TeamCity
April 15, 2016
Chef Cookbook Builds in TeamCity
Explore how to standardize your Chef Cookbook builds in TeamCity. Learn how to set up project structure, version control settings, build steps, and more. Ensure quality gates for your infrastructure creation.
Test Kitchen: Required, not Optional
February 26, 2016
Test Kitchen: Required, not Optional
Explore the importance of Test Kitchen in Chef workflow. Learn how it’s not just for testing, but an essential part of coding with Chef. Don’t miss out on this essential tool for your infrastructure.
The Power of Culture in Cross-Discipline Change Initiatives
February 12, 2016
The Power of Culture in Cross-Discipline Change Initiatives
Explore the power of culture in driving cross-discipline change initiatives. Understand the roles of developers, SecOps, and Operations in a business and how to foster cooperation.
Technology < Partnership
January 22, 2016
Technology < Partnership
Explore why our organization chose Chef over other configuration management tools. It’s not just about the technology, but the partnership and cultural changes that lead to success.
Don’t Start with Tools
January 15, 2016
Don’t Start with Tools
Explore why it’s crucial to start with identifying business problems before choosing the right tools. Learn from real-life experiences and shift your focus for effective problem-solving.
Three Essential Components to Compliance at Velocity in the Enterprise
November 6, 2015
Three Essential Components to Compliance at Velocity in the Enterprise
Discover the three essential components to achieving compliance at velocity in the enterprise: focusing on the workflow, making it real, and empowering security. Learn from a Chef initiative.
Intrinsic Motivators Leading to Chef
May 4, 2015
Intrinsic Motivators Leading to Chef
Explore how intrinsic motivators such as autonomy, mastery, and purpose can lead to successful implementation of Chef in an organization. Discover the power of these motivators over traditional bonuses.
Customizing Chef Book Review
January 16, 2015
Customizing Chef Book Review
Explore our in-depth review of Customizing Chef by Jon Cowie. Discover how this book can help you understand Chef’s extensibility and tackle complex organizational challenges. Perfect for those with basic Chef knowledge.
Learning Chef Book Review
January 9, 2015
Learning Chef Book Review
Discover the world of Chef with the Learning Chef book. Understand and use Chef, including testing techniques and Windows-friendly commands.
Solving SSL Validation failure with knife
January 5, 2015
Solving SSL Validation failure with knife
Solve SSL Validation failure issues with knife after moving to a hosted version of the Chef server. Discover short-term and long-term solutions for your blog or website.