Cookbook Development with Rakefiles
By Michael Hedgpeth · May 11, 2017
Cookbook Development with Rakefiles

When we started Chef, we had a loose set of rules for everyone to follow and sent them on their way. We quickly realized, however, that we needed to standardize how a cookbook met quality standards before it got released. We would try to make a simple change to a cookbook, and it didn’t meet our coding standards. Or they forgot to introduce kitchen. Or they remembered, but they didn’t do anything when their kitchen broke three weeks ago. It was chaos.

Essentially our cookbooks are like any other code product: they need a build process, automated testing, and a way to release them to the outside world. Without that, you’ll have chaos and doom.

The best way I know of to do this is with rake ( see this example on my cafe cookbook).

rake has several advantages:

  1. It’s all in one file, using a common framework that other Ruby developers use
  2. It easily integrates within a Chef environment using the chef exec commands
  3. It integrates well into any existing pipeline or CI server

Its one disadvantage is that it can be difficult for non-ruby developers to understand, however, the benefits above far outweighs this advantage. We’ve found that with the simple rakefile below, most people don’t even have to touch their rakefile and can just use it.

We use the same rakefile for every cookbook, located in the base folder of the cookbook in a dedicated git repository for that cookbook. Here’s an example:

task default: [:clean, :style, :test]
desc 'Removes any policy lock files present, berks lockfile, etc.'
task :clean do
  ).each { |f| FileUtils.rm_rf(Dir.glob(f)) }
desc 'Run foodcritic and cookstyle on this cookbook'

task style: 'style:all'
namespace :style do
  # Cookstyle
    require 'cookstyle'
    require 'rubocop/rake_task' do |task|
      # If we are in CI mode then add formatter options
      task.options.concat %w(
        --require rubocop/formatter/checkstyle_formatter
        --format RuboCop::Formatter::CheckstyleFormatter
        -o reports/xml/checkstyle-result.xml
      ) if ENV['CI']
    puts ">>> Gem load error: #{e}, omitting style:cookstyle" unless ENV['CI']
  # Load foodcritic
    require 'foodcritic'
    desc 'Run foodcritic style checks' do |task|
      task.options = {
        fail_tags: ['any'],
        progress: true,
  rescue LoadError
    puts ">>> Gem load error: #{e}, omitting style:foodcritic" unless ENV['CI']
  task all: [:cookstyle, :foodcritic]

desc 'Run unit and functional tests'
task test: 'test:all'
namespace :test do
    require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
    desc 'Run ChefSpec unit tests' do |t|
      t.rspec_opts = ENV['CI'] ? '--format RspecJunitFormatter --out rspec.xml' : '--color --format progress'
      t.pattern = 'test/unit/_{,/*/_}/*_spec.rb'
    puts ">>> Gem load error: #{e}, omitting tests:unit" unless ENV['CI']

    require 'kitchen/rake_tasks'
    desc 'Run kitchen integration tests'
  rescue StandardError => e
    puts ">>> Kitchen error: #{e}, omitting #{}" unless ENV['CI']
  namespace :kitchen do
    desc 'Destroys all active kitchen resources'
    task :destroy do
      sh 'kitchen destroy'

  task all: ['test:unit', 'test:kitchen:all']

desc 'bumps the patch version and releases the cookbook to the supermarket'
task release: 'release:all'
namespace :release do
    require 'bump'
    require 'bump/tasks'
    desc 'tags and pushes a patch change'
    task tag: ['release:bump:patch'] do
      sh 'git pull'
      sh 'git push'
    puts ">>> Gem load error: #{e}, omitting release:bump*" unless ENV['CI']

    require 'stove/rake_task'

    puts ">>> Gem load error: #{e}, omitting operational:tag" unless ENV['CI']

  task all: ['release:tag', 'release:publish']

As I’ve said before, you don’t really need to be able to understand every line of this rakefile in order to make good use of it. So let’s get up to speed on that part:


Before running the rakefile you’ll need to set up some gems:

chef gem install stove bump

These gems are used for uploading to a supermarket and bumping a version, respectively. More on that below.

Running Locally

LintEnsures that code meets standardschef exec rake -t style
TestEnsures that code runs and is ready to gochef exec rake -t test`

We run our rake within the Chef ruby environment, so we prepend it with chef exec which says -run this with Chef’s built-in ruby_. That makes everything much more consistent and easy, especially considering we’re using cookstyle and kitchen gems here.

To run your linting, just run chef exec rake -t style. This will run both cookstyle and foodcritic on your cookbooks. We’ve found both linting tools to be helpful. Cookstyle is a saner wrapper around rubocop.

Another great pro-tip on using cookstyle is that you can automatically fix easy to fix errors by running cookstyle -a. That saves a ton of time.

Once you get past the linting phase, you can run unit tests and kitchen with chef exec rake -t test. We consider test kitchen to be an absolutely critical aspect of our coding process. Would you ever write code that you never ran before deploying it somewhere? If you’re not using test kitchen, that’s exactly what you’re doing!

This rakefile will also allow you to bump your versions automatically (release:bump:patch) and upload to a supermarket (release:publish). You’ll need the stove and bump gems installed with chef gem install stove bump. Also, you’ll need to add a .stove file to house the configuration of how to talk to the supermarket, with these contents:

  "username": "yourusernametosupermarket",
  "key": "C:/Users/yourusername/.chef/yourusername.pem",
  "no-git": "true",
  "endpoint": ""

The bump and publish targets should be reserved for your CI agent most of the time.

Running with CI

When you run this with a CI server, you’ll need set the CI environment variable to true so your tests will report the CI way. Then simply run the targets as you need. I’ll have a version of our Jenkinsfile in the next post.

Why not Delivery though?

My friend Matt Stratton suggests using Chef Delivery cookbooks to do this same thing. We didn’t go in this direction for a few reasons:

  1. Ignorance: we don’t know delivery very well and there isn’t a community around it that can get a local build up and running quickly. Most of delivery seems to be centered around getting Chef Workflow to work, which is not something we had plans to do.
  2. Training: more people know rake than know delivery. So rake is the easier option
  3. Simplicity: while rake does leave you a bit confused as to the particulars of what you’re doing, it’s all in one file and can be easily run. The delivery stuff is in a hierarchy of folders and therefore takes more to understand.


Having a local cookbook build that is standard in all of our projects has become essential to our implementation of Chef at scale. I think the Rakefile I use above is an excellent choice for standardizing in a way that is both flexible and simple.