Project Management
3 Steps for Managers to Discover the Right Roadmap
June 6, 2023
3 Steps for Managers to Discover the Right Roadmap
How to discover the right roadmap for your team
Premature Optimization
June 3, 2016
Premature Optimization
Explore the pitfalls of premature optimization in organizational planning. Learn how focusing on immediate improvement opportunities can lead to transformative change.
Feelings > Compliance
March 12, 2016
Feelings > Compliance
Explore the importance of considering feelings over compliance in leadership. Discover how fostering respect and excitement can lead to more effective collaboration and success.
The Overdependent Organization
February 5, 2016
The Overdependent Organization
Explore the dangers of overdependence in organizations through a personal journey. Learn why successful projects shouldn’t rely on one person and the importance of a strong, self-sustaining foundation.
Proof of Concept
January 29, 2016
Proof of Concept
Explore the importance of including culture and security in a proof of concept. Learn how these factors can influence the successful implementation of new tools or changes within an organization.
Kanban Prioritization with Cost of Delay
May 1, 2015
Kanban Prioritization with Cost of Delay
Learn how to prioritize your Kanban project using the cost of delay method. Avoid unhealthy competition and out-of-touch strategies by focusing on ROI and lifecycle profit.
How to Apply Kanban to a Large Project with High Feature Variability
March 23, 2015
How to Apply Kanban to a Large Project with High Feature Variability
Learn how to apply Kanban to large projects with high feature variability. Discover techniques to manage throughput and break down tasks into Minimal Marketable Features or Epics.
Kanban Decoupling Input Cadence from Delivery Cadence
March 13, 2015
Kanban Decoupling Input Cadence from Delivery Cadence
Explore how Kanban decouples input cadence from delivery cadence in software development. Understand how this approach can improve team focus, streamline work processes, and enhance product management strategies.