Software Development
Ten Ways to Have a Successful Early Software Career
July 19, 2023

Kickstart your software career with our top 10 tips. Learn how to focus on technology, manage your manager, and avoid pitfalls to set yourself up for success.
Which Line?
April 5, 2017

Explore the impact of software development on a company’s bottom line versus top line. How I navigated from a cost-saving role to a revenue-generating position.
Our Superbowl
February 2, 2017

Discover how NCR revolutionized their delivery process with Chef, enabling customers to grow their businesses beyond traditional boundaries. This is our Superbowl story.
Introducing Cafe
January 23, 2017

Discover Cafe, a new project designed to simplify running Chef in a Windows environment. Learn about its features, installation process, and how it can streamline your Chef operations.
The Goal
September 30, 2016

Explore the journey of a tech newbie transitioning into a new software development style. Learn how clear goals and growth plans can transform careers and lives.
Why and How I’m Learning Ruby
June 25, 2016

Discover the journey of learning Ruby programming from scratch. This blog post shares personal experiences, challenges, and resources used in mastering Ruby.
Premature Optimization
June 3, 2016

Explore the pitfalls of premature optimization in organizational planning. Learn how focusing on immediate improvement opportunities can lead to transformative change.
Kanban Prioritization with Cost of Delay
May 1, 2015

Learn how to prioritize your Kanban project using the cost of delay method. Avoid unhealthy competition and out-of-touch strategies by focusing on ROI and lifecycle profit.
Safety Net
June 6, 2014

Improving software updates for restaurants is challenging. The key? Before risky changes, build a safety net to ensure quality and desired outcomes.